Wednesday, September 19, 2012


ABC Thursdays @ 8/7c
(premiering 9/27)

What's it about?
500 feet beneath the ocean's surface, the U.S. ballistic missile submarine Colorado receives their orders.  Over a radio channel, designed only to be used if their homeland has been wiped out, they're told to fire nuclear weapons at Pakistan.  Captain Marcus Chaplin demands confirmation of the orders only to be unceremoniously relieved of duty by the White House.  XO Sam Kendal finds himself suddenly in charge of the submarine and facing the same difficult decision.  When he also refuses to fire without confirmation of the orders, the Colorado is targeted, fired upon, and hit.  The submarine and its crew find themselves crippled on the ocean floor, declared rogue enemies of their own country.  Now, with nowhere left to turn, Chaplin and Kendal take the sub on the run and bring the men and women of the Colorado to an exotic island.  Here they will find refuge, romance and a chance at a new life, even as they try to clear their names and get home.

You should watch if...
•'re a fan of non-procedural, high-concept drama.
•'re a fan of complex characters making ethically ambiguous decisions.
•'re still searching for something other than a medical/cop/lawyer/LOST-ripoff show.

So, how was it?
This early in the season, with only THE MOB DOCTOR and REVOLUTION to compete with in the drama category, it probably doesn't mean much for me to say that LAST RESORT is by far my favorite premiere so far, but I predict it will hold on to that title, or at the very least stay close to the top of my list.  When most shows that premiere are at least similar to (if not outright clones of) other, better shows, it's so refreshing when something truly unique comes along.  And I think we can all agree that a show based around the crew of a rogue submarine taking over a tropical island and founding the world's smallest nuclear country has definitely never been done before.

The show was created by Shawn Ryan, the creator of the critically-acclaimed FX hit THE SHIELD.  He has infused LAST RESORT with the same complex characters, ethically ambiguous situations, relentless tension and impossibly high stakes, while simultaneously keeping the show fresh and exciting.  Major kudos to him. It doesn't hurt that the pilot was also executive-produced and directed by Martin Campbell, the man who directed one of the best action movies of the past couple decades, CASINO ROYALE.  Once the action starts, it's non-stop for the rest of the episode and maintained at an expert level with impressive-for-television special effects, but never at the expense of interesting characters.

It certainly helps that those characters are portrayed by a team of impressive actors.  Andre Braugher (HOMICIDE: LIFE ON THE STREET, MEN OF A CERTAIN AGE) commands the submarine as Captain Marcus Chaplin.  It's a captivating performance of a man you immediately like and root for and assume will be your typical good-guy-in-charge -- however, by the end of the episode, faced with a number of impossible decisions, his true nature becomes less clear and I, at least, began questioning his actual level of sanity.  It's a huge arc for one episode and Braugher's last, captivating monologue left me with chills.  Scott Speedman (UNDERWORLD) is our strapping young hero, which could easily have been a bland role, but he manages (somewhat surprisingly) to imbue it with enough humanity to make you root for and sympathize with him.  His XO Sam Kendal is definitely less of a grey area than Braugher's Chaplin, so he and the writers will have to be careful not to dip into cliché, but so far I like him.  Robert Patrick (the T-1000 himself) is a vaguely menacing presence as Master Chief Joseph Prosser, whose exact allegiances are a bit mysterious.  Daisy Betts (OUT OF THE BLUE, HARRY'S LAW) is reserved but compelling as Lt. Grace Shepard, a woman in a position of authority on a submarine filled with men (and all the complications that entails).  Bruce Davison (X-MEN) and Autumn Reeser (HAWAII FIVE-0) lead the supporting cast on the mainland side of things.

LAST RESORT is not without its flaws.  The pilot is so ambitious, it easily could have been a two-hour episode.  It's jam-packed and, while not overly convoluted in plot, things do move so fast that it's easy to lose track of exactly what's going on.  And anything that doesn't happen on the submarine (back in Washington DC or among the natives on the island) is simply not as interesting by comparison, at least so far.  I understand that the DC storyline especially is important for the deeper mythology of the series, but I kept wanting to get back to Chaplin and Kendal whenever we strayed away, which is as much a testament to the power of their story as anything else.  These small gripes are probably just typical pilot problems that will resolve themselves as the show goes on.  But even if they don't, they're minor enough that I would still be hooked.

And the verdict is:
Certifiably ADDICTive. A must-see.
My first "addictive" rating of the season.  This show instantly earned a place in my weekly schedule, and I can't wait to see what happens next.  My biggest fear is about the longevity of the plot (it almost feels like it should be a miniseries), but I have enough faith in Shawn Ryan and the capable cast to let things play out for the time being.  Hopefully everyone involved can keep up the quality work at a consistent level every week.

Take it away, Fellow Addicts! Are you addicted to LAST RESORT? Or did you find its ambitious plot hard to swallow? Vote in the poll below and then hit the comments!

What did you think of LAST RESORT?

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